What Do Loan Processors Do? 3 Tasks the Finance Professional Completes
When you submit your home loan application to a lending institution, several people are going to verify portions of it. A loan processor, on the other hand, oversees the application from start to finish. It’s up to them to ensure that every applicant receives loan terms or a suggestion on how to improve their financial position to receive better loan terms. Here are three answers to the question what do loan processors do?
Process Files
A loan processor takes ownership of the loan applications assigned to them. Some processors are expected to market and attain applications on their own outside their employer’s marketing efforts. All business they bring in becomes their responsibility, too.Â
At some lending institutions, the loan processor works in tandem with a mortgage loan officer. The professional becomes the point of contact for the mortgage loan officer, applicant, and others for every file from the opening to closing.
Assemble Loan Documents
The loan processor assembles a packet from the loan documents. The packet goes to the underwriting department. An underwriter expects the packet to be complete. Missing paperwork and other necessary information delay the process. It’s best to obtain all supporting documentation before handing off the file for verification.
Review Documents
An underwriting department verifies the applicant’s income, assets, and debt. The loan processor reviews the documents for accuracy and completeness. They also perform data validation, update notes, and put together a welcome packet for the applicant.
The welcome packet is an efficient way to get in touch with the applicant and request missing information. It lets them know that their application is being worked on and gives them the processor’s contact information.
What Do Loan Processors Do Conclusion
If you’re wondering what do loan processors do, the answer is several tasks. They are charged with following an application from open to close. The loan processor assembles the loan documents and hands them off to the underwriting department. They also review the documentation and put together a welcome packet for the applicant. Sometimes they help an applicant who is also searching for a car loan.