30 Apr 2021

Best Rate Home Loan: How Do I Find One for My Purchase?

A home loan is a sizeable investment. The interest rate charge increases the monthly repayment. Most mortgage applicants want to find the best rate home loan. This keeps the repayment amount more manageable. Here are three ways to help you find the best mortgage rate.

Mortgage Calculator

At Mortgage House, we offer an array of online mortgage-related calculators. Each one serves a purpose. Our goal is to help our customers prepare their finances for the home loan application. Based on your inputs, you’ll find out how a mortgage repayment changes if you lower your expenses and decrease current debt. 

A calculator is a great preparation tool. The application process takes a few months. It requires organisation and effort. If you prepare beforehand, your application is more likely to receive approval and the best mortgage rate. 

Exceptional Credit Score

Lenders search for applicants with exceptional credit scores. A stellar score indicates that the applicant is less risky. Lenders take a hit when an applicant stops sending their payments. 

To find a compromise between risk and a lower credit score, we developed risk assessment tools, too. Every application receives the attention it deserves. We may not be able to offer each applicant the best home loan rate. We can offer a compromise.

Down Payment

A 20% down payment is expected with every approved home loan application. Applicants who increase their down payment also increase their chances of receiving a better rate. The more skin in the game you have up-front, the less risky you become. It’s a trade-off.


Best Rate Home Loan Conclusion

The well-qualified mortgage applicant is likely to attain the best rate home loan. Applicants whose credit scores are a tick below exceptional can make adjustments to qualify for such a rate, too. Home loan interest rates go up and down based on market factors and government policies. Sometimes, rates are great for everyone across the board. Others not. Mortgage House lending experts take the time to find the best option for all applicants.


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