What Do Buyers Look for in a Backyard?
For some people, the backyard is the most important thing when it comes to choosing a home. Pet owners and parents thrive with a good backyard. If that’s your target audience, it pays to make yours as appealing as possible.
But what makes a good backyard aside from the obvious? How can you take your backyard from good to great? How can you make your yard such a standout that potential buyers leave viewings desperate to move in?
With just a few basic tips, you can make your backyard stick in the minds of potential homeowners, resulting in fiercer auctions and higher bids for your property.
Maintain the yard
We’ll start with the most obvious one: Maintain the yard! Your grass should be cut properly, your lawn nice and green, dead leaves removed (or strategically placed) and the soil fresh.
When it comes to your front yard, the same rule applies. Your front yard could be considered your house’s “first impression”. It should be so appealing that it draws people in to view the house itself.
As our next point will illustrate, less is more when it comes to maintaining your yard(s). You don’t need to be flashy with water features or zen gardens or other intricacies – just make your yard look good, clean and spacious.
Make maintaining the yard look easy
People appreciate nice yards, but nobody wants to spend what little free time they have maintaining them. For this reason, minimalistic yards can actually make more of an impression than intricate ones.
Imagine being able to have a clean and impressive yard, but also only needing to clean it up once a month. If that sounds good to you, it’ll sound good to your buyers as well. Give them that experience.
Don’t overdo it with the trees
Big, beautiful trees are a plus. But too many, and your yard can feel cluttered and claustrophobic.
Make sure each tree has a purpose in your yard. If they’re too close to the house, for example, they might cause the inside to feel claustrophobic. Your yard should have a tree or two for beauty, tire swings or maybe even a tree house, but there should still be room for backyard cricket and other activities.
Consult your agent
Your agent knows the area (well, they should). Your agent knows the market. Your agent knows what people like, what sells and what works. Listen to their advice and trust their instincts over your own, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving a successful sale.
Mortgage House
At Mortgage House, we’re no strangers to the homeowner’s journey. It’s a long (but rewarding) one.
But don’t worry, we can help with that.
If you’re thinking of buying a home, you can contact us for advice about the best options for you when it comes to your mortgage. The cost of your mortgage can drastically affect your financial planning, so it pays to speak to the experts about it.